Friday 15 January 2016

Paris Catacombs

Paris Catacombs 

I enjoyed visiting the Catacombs in Paris, and learning some of the history involved with the remains of some of the people who have died here. Walking around under the ground, so far down it was underneath the metro, made me feel claustrophobic and a bit weary, the ceilings where very low in places and the ground was wet. The amount of bones and skulls placed here was unbelievable, each way I looked there were more and more remains neatly placed on top of each other which created walls. I could see that the bones had been here for so long that they had fossilised together, as some of the skulls looked like they could have fallen. I have chosen to look more closely into the Catacombs, because it reminds me of 'The Picture Of Dorian gray.' The deathly feel to everything in the tunnels and the rotting and degrading made me think of the make-up from the films, and the description of the painting in the book.   

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