Friday 8 January 2016

The Picture of Dorian Gray Make-up Ideas

The Picture of Dorian Gray Makeup Ideas,  digital image, viewed 08.01.2016, Jasmien Vermeerbergen

Blanche Macdonald Global Makeup student Suyoun Sim found inspiration in the idea behind this fantasy film for her aging module in TV & Film class. Paired with a reference to Tilda Swinton’s total transformation in the Grand Budapest Hotel, the final product is masterfully dark and nothing short of wondrous! I chose to look at this image because the detail in the design interested me; I admire the way Jasmien has made the models face look like a painting, the made up side of the face has been given a worn wooden effect which adds to the old and degrading effect. I also like the idea of the blind eye, this gives the idea of old age and death.,, viewed 08.01.2016, digital image, makeup by Dick Smith

Dick Smith is an artists who works in the special effects department of makeup and hair, this is a creation of his inspired by the story 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde. To make this extraordinary piece he made a dummy head from clay and wax on a plaster cast, then used paints to get the effects he wanted. Special effects in makeup is something that interests me and is something I want to get into so this piece is very inspiring for me. In both examples of makeup inspired from Dorian Gray the eyes have been targeted and one is blind, this wasn't mentioned in the book, but shows some individually in the designs. , GOTHIC ART FASHION, THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY, viewed 08.01.2016, digital image
model: Anna Gushina, photographer: Vincent Alvarez, stylist: Marie Revelut 

This is a selection of images from a fashion project inspired by the story of Dorian Gray and his picture. The images uniquely illustrate the difference between the beauty of the soul, and the hidden secrets that stain it, and the beauty of the body. In this photo story we see the beauty of the body that stays fair and young while the picture grows old and ugly, falling apart and losing its colour. Marie Revelut has used makeup and tissue to mimic the effects of bad skin and discolouration, the gothic shoot is for 'SOON INTERNATIONAL FASHION ART MAGAZINE' season spring/summer 2011 and it is named TRIBUTE TO DORIAN GRAY. 

I really admire the way Marie has used different materials to get the effects of bad degrading skin. Using tissue and tissue paper to get a lumpy and textured feel is an inspiring technique, and applying makeup to get the right shades of discolouration worked well to get the desired effect. In the selection of images, I can see the model looking young and fresh with a pale face a smooth looking skin, then looking into the picture the models' face is changed and the use of texture comes in. This is to create a new textured surface for makeup application. Once the makeup is applied a look of overall grey has taken the face and the skin looks worn and aged, but with a modern fashionable look. The model has done well to create a good facial expression that bares the evils of the soul., viewed 08.01.2016, digital image, 2009 film

For the 2009 film, a portrait was painted by Paul Benny who worked with different development artists to choose the texture that would work best with the pictures development. The picture was given an oil painting finish and maggots where put in afterwards to give the feeling of real decay; fir the final state of the picture, the directors wanted the painting to come alive, to do this practical makeup lectures where added and the use of cgi. This made the image move; making it easier to believe the soul of Dorian was in the painting., viewed 08.01.2014, digital image, from the 2009 film Dorian Gray

This was the fished result of the painting from the 2009 film. As shown, the body is thin and decaying; the skin is rough and discoloured, and the teeth look old and degrading. I think the makeup staff and the cgi crew did well to make the image a scary one, this was shown at the end part of the film and was moving slightly towards Dorian, who was watching it. The movement added something new to the painting, in the book by Oscar Wilde there wasn't any movement, the painting would give smiles and evil looks but was still, so adding movement added something new and scary to the idea. This type of makeup and special effects reminds me of the makeup practices used to make zombies and the living dead.  

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