Thursday 7 January 2016

The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, viewed 05.01.2016, (digital image) 

Dorian Gray and his Portrait

After reading 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' written by Oscar Wilde, I have decide to focus on Dorian Gray himself and his portrait. The story begins by introducing the three main characters, the bad influence; Lord Henry Wotton, 'Harry,' the painter; Basil Hallward and the young Dorian Gray. At this point Dorian is described as a youthful boy, only seventeen, naive, well influenced and very handsome. The setting is placed with the three men at Basil's studio, where he is painting a portrait of Dorian. Throughout the progress of the painting, Basil developed a strong admiration for Dorian, bewitched by his good looks, he wanted to use Dorian as a sitter for all his works of art, above all this he valued their friendship. Both Basil and Harry were fascinated by Dorian, he was described as having a young and free personality, his whole life was ahead of him, and they both admired and wanted what he had. Dorian was very wealthy and anything he wanted was available to him. 

Basil's strong love and affection development for Dorian showed in the outcome of the portrait, when it was finished it was admired by Lord Henry and Dorian, 'Dorian passes listlessly in front of his picture and turned towards it. When he saw it he drew back, and his cheeks flushed for a moment with pleasure, a look of joy came to his eyes.' (quote from The Picture Of Dorian Gray, page 27 chapter 2). Basil had put everything he had into the painting, the feelings he felt for Dorian were shown through his work and was considered his best work of art yet. During this time, Lord Henry Wotton was introduced to Dorian, he was immediately fascinated by Dorian and was also intrigued by his good looks and youthful charms. Both Henry and Basil would mention to Dorian his good looks and youth, making Dorian feel that beauty is the only thing that matters in the world. Upon believing this, looking at his new picture, he prayed for his good looks to stay with him forever, and for the painting to feel the effects of old age.

Lord Henry found it easy to influence Dorian and they soon became close. Harry would lend him sinful books and tell him of philosophies that where horrifying to think of, Dorian being so young and influential would take on board everything that Harry would tell him and he developed a mistrust in him. Throughout all the influential behaviour and the troubled relationship growing between Harry and Dorian, Dorian was still able to find love. After visiting a local run down theatre, he noticed a young beautiful girl who worked there. Her name was Sybil Vane, and she was the star act, on every night. After watching show after show of Sybil re-enacting famous plays, he soon fell in love. It was her voice and her passion for acting that made Dorian fall for her, he would go backstage after her shows and they would talk and kiss and fall in love together, all this without her knowing his name, she called him her Prince Charming. They were soon to be married. 

Dorian who was full of excitement went to his friends, Basil and Harry and asked them to accompany him at the theatre to watch his new love, Sybil Vane. Sybil, who was so love struck and believed she wanted nor needed anything else than her Prince Charming put on a dreadful show. She showed no passion in her work, as the only passion she had was for her new love. Many people left the theatre and Dorian was heartbroken by her terrible role play. Backstage after the show he visited Sybil to express his feelings, she tried to explain she didn't need to act anymore, now she had him. But Dorian was so enraged by her play; he wanted to show off her talent and make her a star, he decided to break off the wedding and promised never to see her again. The next morning, Harry visited Dorian to tell him some bad news, Sybil had killed herself the night Dorian broke up with her. 

Dorian Knew the death of Sybil was his fault, he treated her badly and couldn't go back. But unfazed he went on living his life; going to the opera with Harry and spending time with other girls within days of his loves death. Soon after, Dorian remembered his painting, which was covered in a screen but hung on the wall. He lifted the screen and looking intently at the picture, he noticed it had changed. An evil smile had appeared on the mouth of the picture, he wasn't certain of the difference but after looking at it for longer realised it was true, the painting had changed and an eery look had come over it. Dorian, not wanting anyone to see, quickly covered the paining again.   

Harry and Dorian would spend evenings together in clubs, smoking, drinking and taking advantage of young beautiful women. Harry would be encouraging and would influence Dorian in a way that made him feel he could do whatever he wanted. He was a bad influence, taking charge over Dorian and persuading him to take part in sinful acts. Living a double life, indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Dorian continued this way for a long time; doing whatever he wanted, and not thinking about the consequences. He believed, after looking at his picture many times and seeing the changes appear in the face, that the consequences of his sinful acts where taken out on his portrait. For a long time he was happy to know he would stay young and beautiful forever, while his soul would rot away slowly behind cover in the painting., digital image, viewed 06.01.2016, picture taken from the 2009 film of the degrading painting

As time passed, and the painting grew old, the face and hands wrinkled and the skin degraded, bearing his soul. Dorian became paranoid and decided to hide the portrait. The picture was placed in the highest room of his house, locked away never to be seen again by the public. Until, Basil, being the good friend he always was to Dorian, visited him late at night just before he was set to go to Paris and improve his career in painting. Whilst visiting Dorian he told him he was worried about him, and didn't like his close friendship with Harry. Basil mentioned Dorians soul and confessed his love and admiration for Dorian while his portrait was being painted, he believed onlookers would be able to see the love he felt for Dorian by the quality of the picture. Dorian, feeling angered, decide to show Basil the painting, up in the highest room of the house. 

He pulled back the cover from the portrait and there it stood, the painting had obviously changed, the hands glistened with blood, the skin was old looking and wrinkled, the eyes were evil and the mouth was grinning. Basil took it all in while Dorian watched. After Basils shocked questions, Dorian felt frustrated and angered with Basil, he felt the painting encouraging his anger, 'the mad passions of a hunted animal stirred within him, and he loathed the man who was seated at the table more than in his whole life he had ever loathed anything.' (Page 151, chapter 13). He saw something glimmering in the room, rushed to it and immediately moved towards Basil, he stabbed a knife behind his ear, crushing his head on to the table and stabbing him more until he died.

Dorian continued 'sinning' throughout his life with Lord Henry, only Harry grew older everyday; wrinkled around the eyes and mouth and going grey, while Dorian stayed beautiful and young. He often thought about the painting and what he did to basil but neither fazed him too much. Years passed and Dorian had visited many places away from home, on one of his travels he meets a woman who mentions he likes to be called 'Prince Charming', a sailor overheard and threatened him with his life for the death of his sister, Sybil Vane. Dorian's youth and beauty saved him, for it had been eighteen years since the death of Sybil and Dorian hadn't aged a day. Since that day, he was often looking over his shoulder worried that Sybil's brother should find him again, he was scared for his life and never wanted to be alone. This was until, after following Dorian to a friends house for rabbit hunting, the sailor was accidentally shot and was killed instantly. 

After all the worry and paranoia about being killed Dorian decided to change his ways and turn his life around, hoping his soul would mend. 'A new life! Surely it had begun already, he had spared one innocent thing, at any rate. He would never again tempt innocence, he would be good.' (Quote from chapter 20, page 211.) After doing one good deed he checked the painted for any good changes, but it was only getting worse, degrading more and more each day, growing old, wrinkled, skeleton like and ugly. 'A cry of pain and indignation broke from him, he could see no change, save that in the eyes there was a look of cunning, and in the mouth the curved wrinkle of the hypocrite. Had it merely been vanity that made him do this one good deed?' (quote chapter 20, page 211). 

Dorian thought back to when he would take pleasure in the fact that the painting would have the burden of growing old and he would stay young. Now he regrets ever making the prayer at the beginning, and would never be able to forgive Basil for creating the painting. In the highest room of the house, he searched for the knife he used to kill Basil, thinking he should destroy the painting, destroying his horrible secrets with it. Holding the knife, thinking he would be at peace, he stabbed the portrait. A great cry from Dorian came out and he fell to the floor. The ending of they book describes Dorian lying dead on the floor with a knife stabbed deeply into his heart, he was old and weak looking. His soul had returned to his body and the painting was as it was at the beginning, and innocent young boy, beautiful and youthful.

I chose to focus on the character Dorian Gray and his painting because I find the ageing process interesting, especially in terms of makeup and hair. This type of degrading reminds me of zombies and the living dead, and the makeup practices for this will be exciting for me to focus on.