Monday 4 April 2016

experimenting with collodium

Experimenting with Collodium 


  • clean skin and apply protecting foam to the skin 
  • apply small lines to the face where the scars will be in pink pencil 
  • use the collodium thinly over the pink lines, letting them dry and then reapplying up to five layers - the skin will start to tighten and sink into the skin to form a scar
  • powder the scar to erase any shine or stickiness 
  • use Kryolan concealer and foundation palettes to colour around the scar 
  • then use supercolour to build up colours using reds, pinks and blacks - depending how old or new the scar is (look at real scarred skin to get the colouration right)
  • use vaseline or Kryolan pus to add shine to the scar at the end, this will add to the realism of the design   
Health and safety:
  • Ensure to use Kryolan barrier foam on the skin before any application of product 
  • When removing the product ensure care to reduce the amount of pain 
  • look for any contraindications before application 
  • be aware of the smell of the product, keep away from face and make sure the lid is kept on when not in use 
  • ensure the models eyes are closed when applying on the face 
Examples of scars: 

The scars below are the types of scar I will be recreating once I have the collodium, using this for making scars works well because it makes the skin tighten and form an indent in the skin making the design look realistic. The colour of these scars is very light and subtle, I will use concealer and light pinks to make the scar look old and healing., viewed 31.03.16 digital image, viewed 31.03.16 digital image 


I used collodium and supercolour to experiment with my ideas and create some realistic looking scars. I think next time when I experiment with collodium on the face I will use thinner strokes to create a thinner scar, I will also make sure the product is applied neatly and in keeping with the lines. For my final design on a model I will use collodium to make one large scar and tuplast to make a selection of smaller scars, I will also experiment with supercolour and blood to create fresher looking scars and cuts. 

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