Tuesday 12 April 2016

Quentin developed

Quentin Developed 

After much practicing and experimenting with materials and special effects, I have developed my ideas so that Quentin's design looks the most effective and realistic. This means I have developed the stitching into bandage material idea into using the bandage as if the skin is moulding into it. After experimenting with thread, string, moveable wire and thin shoe lace to use as stitches in the bandage I have found this doesn't look as effective than if I use selected pieces of bandage, stuck to the face using spirit gum. My Idea is best illustrated through my chosen face chart shown below. I have used thin bandage material to the face and blended the edges with wound filler, blood and colours from the Kryolan Super colour palette, I have also darkened the area around the eye and will make a hole in the piece that covers the eye, I will darken inside the eye and darken he lips to make them appear dry. I will keep the theme of bandage going down to the models neck and chest area, the look will be finished with a tribal necklace for effect and I will add some dry shampoo to the hair, this will make the character appear older. 

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