Monday 4 April 2016



After looking at real medical stitching I have decided to make the stitches I make look as effective as possible; I will copy the design of real stitching in straight lines rather than crosses. I will also experiment with different materials such as wire and thin plastic to get the most realistic looking stitches. I have experimented with string, but I think this looks too much like a halloween makeup design. I want to create an effective look for tv and film, this means making the design s realistic as possible, using real bandages and thin black material for the stitches. My plan next is to experiment with different materials and stitches designs to find the most effective look. 

These images show real medical stitching used on real skin, I will be using nagged but i want to use the same design for the stitches., viewed 04.04.16 digital image, viewed 04.04.16, digital image 

Below are two images of my practice using different types of string material and two different types of bandages. The first image shows a thick bandage and two types of string, one thicker and one more docile. After experimenting I have realised using a thicker bandage works better for the stitching as it has more material to hold on to. The thinner bandage material made it difficult to thread anything through it, although did look effective once finished. I have also found that if I use the thinner bandage I will have to make it using two lengths of the material. This is because the bandage ripped and frayed whenever I tried to sew through it, this would be too temperamental and delicate for my final design. The thicker material worked better and was easier for sewing through it, but because the bandage is much thicker it will be difficult to apply it to the face and cover any lines with makeup. 

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