Friday 22 April 2016

Final Evaluation draft

Continuity Assessment
The build up to this assessment was less of a nerve racking experience this time, due to the preparation of previous assessments completed. I found that I worked well with the model as it was very relaxed and rehearsed, this helped me to achieve the look I planned for. I think I did well to produce a Dorian Gray character from a book for tv; I have tried to use techniques that I found gave the best effects, example I used latex on his eyes, this gave a wrinkled effect and after practicing the design times before the assessment I was confident in the application. I think I did well to get he right skin base, I used light and dark colours of foundation to get a more 'in depth' look to the face, I also used the dark foundation around the eyes to start off the tired and stressed look, I used super colour; blue, black and red on the eye lids and underneath the eye to add to this effect. I darkened the natural lines on the models face and pulled out some of the lines in his forehead. I then use supercolour on the beard and in the hair to make it look aged. 

Overall I am pleased with the outcome of the hair in my design; I based the design on the research I had done and found the most effect way to recreate a Victorian hair style in the tradition curls and ringlets. If I could do it again with improvements I would have coloured the beard less round the top of the hair line to make the colouring look realistic and faded, rather than a harsh line. I would have also painted more of his teeth with tooth enamel and added some liquorish to make his mouth black. I would have also used more latex and raging products to increase the realism of the design. 

I had my set of instructions and continuity pictures for this assessment so I could be sure with applying the makeup and styling the hair to look the same. Overall I was pleased with the outcome of my design because I think, looking back at the continuity pictures, I managed to recreate the look well in terms of continuity. Even though I used the same technique and size curling tongs, the hair style looks slightly different; the size of the curls is slightly smaller and flatter, there is less volume on the hair and the parting is less neat. I put the parting in the same place but think I used less product, this made the smaller hairs stand up instead of smoothing down. Overall I was pleased with the design because I used the same products and the same techniques and I managed to recreate the design I wanted. 

I am happy with the outcome of my design, the makeup worked well on the models skin and I matched the colours to my planning and ideas well. I am pleased that I have managed to take two sets of images, some with eye drops and some without to get the full effect of before and after. I was able to use the model I had planned to use and she worked well within the look I was creating. I made her skin pale and darkened her cheekbones, contour areas; including the forehead and neck and added blood and scars to her lower neck. I then used eye drops in and around the eyes the give the effect of crying blood. I used the hat to enable the character to fit in with AHS Coven, and I think this was well executed. To improve my design I could add more scars using collodion as these were the most effective, and add some more cuts using tuplast for a range of skills shown. I finished this design in 2 hours, staring with the hair and finishing with the makeup.

I was happy with the outcome of my makeup design, and even though I found it hard to use the material with some of the makeup products, I spent a lot of time experimenting with using the bandage material to get the most effective look. I enjoy using the special effects products because I am able to be more creative with my ideas and the application. I spent the time to practice the design on myself and practice on my face charts to put my ideas into practice, this made the assessment day relaxed because I was focused on the design and had prepared. The makeup and hair took approximately 1 hour and a half, I was pleased with this because I didn't have to rush or make extra time. If I could do this design again with improvements I would use more blood to show the freshness if the developing skin, I would also have used more supercolour tones around the eye to show tiredness and added extra skin to the models upper chest. 

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