Sunday 17 April 2016

Pins and Buttons

Pins and Buttons

What I will use:
  • bandages 
  • two large pins 
  • button
  • spirit gum 
  • spirit gum remover 
The image below shows the bandages, large pins and button I will use and practice with for my final design on model Liam., viewed 14.04.16 Digital Image, viewed 14.04.16, Digital Image

The African Bocio

The classic voodoo doll originates from many different cultures, and they differ from each one. Voodoo dolls are considered something of evil magic; by sticking pins into them and inflicting pain onto people who don't do what we want. The original voodoo dolls where used for good spells, for health and happiness, but voodoo magic has become associated with evil for its close partnership with the dead. I will be basing my idea of the voodoo doll on the original African Voodoo magic. Slaves being carried from Africa would bring their dolls (African Bocio's) with them for good luck and other religious reasons; health and safety. The classic pin idea came later; I will also involve this into my ideas for my makeup design. African Voodoo became a challenging religion as it was considered a slave religion.      

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