Tuesday 12 April 2016

Tribal Neckless, eye blood and dry shampoo for assessment - Quentin

Tribal Neckless

 I have selected three neckless's and two decorations in the style of African Tribal, this is for my Quentin character as he originated from Africa. I will test each neckless on the model during the practice and the assessment to find the most effective style and colour if neckless.  

Dry shampoo

I will use the dry shampoo over the hair of the model to make him appear older, this will be due to the grey/white colour the  top and ends of the hair. 

Eye Blood

I will use the eye blood particularly in the eye that is coloured mostly by bandages, I will also add a small amount the other eye and let it dry down, this is to add effect the character and make his appear more threatening and scary. The image above shows a demonstration of a small drop into the eye.  

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