Saturday 23 April 2016

Final evaluation

Final evaluation 

For this project the theme was Gothic Horror; I was excited about working with this concept because it sparked creative ideas involving special effects makeup products. This is something I am interested in an have chosen as my second year choice. For the first part of the project I based my makeup character on Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. This involved me creating a makeup and hair design based on the book and bring it to life for tv and film. I then had to recreate the look twice to show my skills in continuity. I didn't find this too challenging as I had a relaxed model and I made sure I was prepared; I had images of the design and my face chart and hair chart, I was happy overall even though I noticed small differences in the design. Overall I enjoyed this part of the project because it allowed me to work with a male model for a change, and this has helped me to develop confidence skills in working on/with a range of people. I used latex in this makeup design to change the model into an older looking man, I enjoyed this because the outcome is always something that interests me and the model. I enjoy using special effects products because when used in the right way, they change the appearance of the model more drastically than using make-up alone.   

The second part of the project was more creative, I was able to create two makeup and hair designs for AHS tv series; Claudia and quentin. During my experimentations with products I found new ways to use Collodion, if layered onto the skin it creates a very realistic looking old scar, I used this technique on Claudia. I enjoyed using this product because I was confident in using it, and I think it creates an effective design. Something I would like to develop further and experiment with is the technique in using 3D non makeup products on the face. For example I have used bandage material on my character Quentin and I would like to develop this further by using more interesting products to create a 3D special effects design.    

I believe the most successful part of this project for me was the outcome of my experimentations; I had practiced with different special effects products to find the most effective way of creating a scar. After practicing on myself and on willing models I found using thick layers of collodion over the skin makes it tight and shiny. I found the most difficult part of the project was using bandages as a makeup product for Quentin. After many experimentations with the material I found it hard to find the most effective looking design, I wanted it to look gory but not to just fill the face with blood, I also wanted to use stitching into the design but after practicing with different ways of stitching into bandage I found it too complicated and the outcome did not look how I wanted. 

If I could complete this project again I would spend more time practicing and experimenting with products because, I have found that experimentation leads to new and exciting ways to use a product. I would also have spent more time on the small details in my Quentin design; adding extra blood and blending the edges away as much as possible. To improve my Dorian Gray character I could have spent more time on making the hair as similar as possible, although I used the same products and same size hair tongs the hair was a different texture the second time round.     

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