Thursday 31 March 2016

Self harm scars

Self Harm Scars 

The difference:

  • Scars differentiate in colour - ranging from red, pink to skin colour to white, depending on the age of the scar 
  • these scars are indented into the skin, this can be made using collodium in layers
  • I will practice with supercolour, collodium and Tuplast, and find the best way to recreate the most realistic looking scars 
  • as I will be applying the products to the face, I will ensure I use a protecting foam on the skin before any application, this is so the products can be removed easier and will protect the skin from damage, viewed 31.03.16, digital image, viewed 31.03.16, digital image 

Experimenting with Katie Doll Head

Experimenting with Katie Doll Head 

What I used:
  • Curing tongs 
  • Katie Doll head 
  • Hair spray 
  • Heat defence 
  • Three silver large clips 
  • One large black clip 
After researching into the hair styles on AHS Coven, I have decided to make the hair curly for more of a free spirited look. I want the look to be slightly messy so curls will be suitable for this. I have practice below on my Katie Head Doll. Her hair is much thicker than my models hair, the curls will look more individual on my model Ashleigh. 

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Experimenting with tuplast - -Kryolan

Experimenting with Tuplast - Kryolan 

What I used:
  • Supercolour Kryolan 
  • Tuplast Kryolan 
  • bristle brush for application 
Health and safety 
  • ensure a protecting foam is applied to the skin before the tuples is applied 
  • test the skin for any allergic reactions 
  • test for any contraindications before application 
I have practiced the use of Tuplast for my makeup design for character Claudia, my idea for her is to have self harm scratches and scars on the lower part of the face and neck. For the scratches I will use a stipple sponge and red supercolour with thick blood, and scrape the stipple song along the skin to create lines that look like scratches, and for the scars I will use Tuplast; this works well or older looking scars as it creates a thick shiny coating. I will use the super colour underneath the Tuplast to give the scars a red or pink tinge. As I will be doing this on the models face I will use a skin protecting foam to ensure the Tuplast comes off easily. 

Quentin hair charts

Hair charts for character Quentin, inspired by traditional hairstyles of African and Caribbean men 

Traditional African and Caribbean styles

Africa, viewed 25.03.16, Digital image, viewed 25.03.16, digital image, viewed 25.03.16

This is a traditional type of neckless worn by African people, they would make their own jewellery out of bones and wood. I want to incorporate this into my design and make a neckless of my own inspired by the designs of traditional jewellery. 

Caribbean, viewed 25.03.16, digital image, viewed 25.03.16 digital image, viewed 25.03.16, digital image 

mood board of traditional caribbean hairstyles

I have collected a number of images to illustrate the hairstyle design of traditional caribbean men. The most common design id dreadlocks, as I will only be creating this look for an image, I won't be able to transform the model to have dreadlocks, I will think of hair pieces and decoration to show the caribbean style. 

mood board of hairstyle designs - traditional african

I have collected number of images that show the hairstyles of traditional African men, from these images I will then create some hair charts for Quentin. I will also look at Caribbean hairstyles to find the best design for my voodoo character.  

Thursday 24 March 2016

Women of Horror - AHS Coven

Women Of Horror - AHS Coven, 24.03.16 

Women play a major role in the American Horror Story series; most of the actors are female and most of the major roles are played by talented female actors. Above is an image of the major female roles played in Coven, each has a strong personality and a different sense of style; this shows through the makeup and personality traits of the individual. I think AHS is generally female and encourages more female roles, without being prejudice about the male roles.

Witches are always presented wearing pointed hats; in the Coven series the hats worn by the witches are all different depending on the person wearing it. I think each hat illustrates the personality of the witches; Zoe wears a large hat with a fashionable rounded top and a large buckle that imitates the buckle from hats from the traditional American thanks giving setting. Madison is seen wearing a fashionable smaller hat, also with a rounded top, with small decorations around the rim. Queenie is seen with a long black veil that covers her hair and no hat, this may be to suit the actor. Nan wears a small version of a top hat, and Fiona is seen wearing variations from Zoe's large hat to a small clip in hat to a large pointed traditional style hat. There isn't a specific hat for each character as they are seen in many variations, but all are black, as are their clothes. Marie Laveau often wears her hair up in a scarf, and Papa Legba wears a large top hat decorated with skulls.  

Myrtle Snow

Myrtle is a lady of superiority; she is the one to go to about new witchy happenings, she takes charge when a witch must be burned, and has to make this decision for herself late in the series. She has acted as a mother to Cordelia, who she loves very much and becomes a loveable and honest character throughout Coven. She plays a strong and powerful role. 

Her hair is dark orange and crimped, it is very bouncy and big, her makeup is less extravagant keeping to a natural look but she wears large pointed glasses in baby pink, her look reflects her quirky personality.  

Cordelia Foxx

Is also an honest witch, she has trouble mixing with Marie Laveau due to her personal wants and wishes, but she comes to term with her disappointments in life and grows as a person. She gains and looses her powers but becomes the supreme witch in the end. Cordelia is the mentor and head mistress of the school for witches, where students can practice and learn to control their gifts.   

Cordelia's look is smart, she has long blonde hair that is fairly straight, her makeup is natural to accentuate her features. In some shots she is seen wearing red lipstick and once her sight is lost she has badly acid burnt eyes and face. This special effects makeup is red with cool blue tones in the eyes, her actual eyes are white and the skin around them is coloured pink, red and white tones for skin tissue. 

Zoe Benson 

Is the main character in the series, she is powerful and honest, makes friends easily and can take charge. Known to have potential, this creates problems with jealousy throughout the series with her powers and her boyfriend. She has a curse that causes her sexual partner to haemorrhage and die, this was found out with her new boyfriend and he was managed to be brought back to life with the help from Zoe and Madison. The girls compete with magic to find the next supreme witch. 

Zoe has very straight hair, it is long and a dark blonde. Her makeup is subtle and used to give a pale complexion and to accentuate her features. 

Misty Day

Is a free spirited witch, once dead she brought herself back to life by burying herself in soil. She is one of my favourite characters of the coven series because she is so 'free' and 'love' orientated, she would never hurt anyone with or without magic. She is troubled and when competing with the coven witches for the supreme title, she dies, trapped in the world inside her mind. Her power is to brig souls back from the dead.

Misty Day has long blonde hair that is styled in messy curls, she is seen in some shots with feathers and small things mixed in with the curls, her makeup is more free than the other witches, she has darker eyes and is sometimes seen with pink lips. 

Madison Montgomery 

Believes she is superior to everyone else, she lives by her own rules and believes she has the perfect life. She is jealous of Zoe and wants her boyfriend, who she successfully steals on many occasions. She also dies and is brought back to life, then onwards thinking she should be the next supreme. Her power is telekinesis.  

Her hair is long and blonde, her makeup is more glamorous, she has slightly darker eyes and a pink or red lip, she loves to take on the witchy look, and fashions her outfits with different hats, always wearing black. 

Madame Delphine Lalaurie

Once alive in the 1800's as a powerful woman of money, she had many slaves that she would torture, the torture would involve bad burns, skin peels and the draining of blood. She would then brush the blood onto her face believing it was good for the skin, (she also has some psychotic issues). Due to Marie Laveau, she is kept alive and for years buried beneath the ground, but uncovered by Fiona, she lived on in the coven house learning the news ways of the modern. This topic brings up many moving racial issues that relate to the audience and shock.

She is a plain woman, large with short brown hair and natural makeup, in keeping with her era.  

Marie Laveau 

A voodoo Queen, ageless, timeless and forever unforgiving, she practices in the art of black magic. She is a protecter of her people, and will stop at nothing to destroy someone who tries to destroy her. She and the coven are born enemies but changes when she finds friendship with Fiona. She is fearless and from the 1800's where she first met Madame Delphine Lalaurie, a slave master and abuser. She takes her revenge and buries Delphine alive cursing her to stay alive forever. She is visited once a year by Papa Legba, a spirit that guards the boarder between life and death, for her power and eternal life she must repay him with a babies life...once a year!

She wears colourful dresses, but when practicing magic she wears white, her hair is in havana twists, but mostly up in a scarf or colourful headdress, her makeup is natural, with the occasional colourful lip.  

Fiona Goode

Is the supreme and believes she suits the role, she is beautiful, powerful and graceful and witty, she is also very vain about her looks and age; she dates many younger men and constantly belittles everyone around her to make herself feel better. she wants to live forever as the coven supreme but time and age has a different plan, she lives a long life, full of evil and betrayal but in the end dies and gives the title to her daughter, Cordelia. After finding out she has cancer, Fiona had the thought of killing all the witches in the coven, for punishment of youth, she also tried to sell her soul to Papa Legba for more power, but was turned down for she had no soul.  

She has short, shoulder length blonde hair and her makeup sculpts her face; she has red lips and dark eye brows. 


Queenie is a human voodoo doll, she has the ability to make someone else feel pain when it is inflicted on herself. She has the bloodline of both the voodoo people and the witches and is constantly at a crossroads of which magic to follow. She is feisty, stands up for herself and tries to always be good. 

Queenie is the biggest size of the witches and her skin is dark, her makeup is subtle and very natural, only slight correction makeup needs to be used.    


Her gift is to get into the minds of others, she has down syndrome and is constantly undermined and considered simple, but redeems herself by showing her strength. Her clairvoyance controls her sometimes and led the coven to Madame Delphine Lalaurie whilst in one of her 'moments.' 

She also has very subtle and natural makeup, her face is pale and plain, her hair is medium length and a light brown. 


Claudia suffers from a non curable illness called agoraphobia, this makes her feel scared all the time of people and of going outside. She has an imaginary boyfriend who is on the side of voodoo, this causes problems in the coven as no one understands or helps her. She constantly self harms her face and neck, coping with unwanted stress and illness. Her power is working with spells, she is a master of them and can conjure anything with the right words. Her illness effects her and sometimes it can be too much, she causes magic corruptions with her unwanted spells when under the influence of her disease, this has caused her boyfriend to turn half voodoo doll and half human when she tried to make a spell to turn a doll into her beloved.    

She is pretty, but it is veiled by her dark circles under her eyes and the redness that comes from being tired snd overwhelmed. She has scars on her face and neck that are red and unbecoming, but she cannot stop feeling or thinking this way and it shows through her appearance.  

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Voodoo Doll Makeup idea for Quentin

As my character; Quentin is part voodoo doll I want to create a makeup look that illustrates this. I will use bandages and stitches to cover the mouth to mimic the material of a voodoo doll, I will make a type of mask for the lower part of the model's face, and use stitching to blend away the edges, I will then use colouration (supercolour palette, Kryolan) and blood to create a special effects design. I don't want the whole face covered because I don't want to take away the human side of Quentin. My next step is to experiment with products to get the most effective design, I will practice blending away edges and matching colours. My model may not be available to sit for me in a practice, so I will have to practice on other people and ensure a one size fits all piece for the face, or cut it to size., viewed 22.03.16

Voodoo Doll inspiration

Voodoo Dolls, viewed 22.03.16, digital image 

After presenting and talking about my idea direction for my Claudia and Quentin characters, I have developed my ideas for Quentin. I want to create a voodoo character for Quentin based on the idea of a voodoo doll. My inspiration came from the word bandages, I will experiment with the material itself and makeup to create an illusion, to decide on the most effective way to get the voodoo doll look., 22.03.16

I want to develop my designs further by including special effects skills I have been learning about, so to include this I will have to adapt my original idea to get an understanding of why I have included blood and gore. The voodoo chapters in Coven practice black magic, and if not controlled or used properly, it can backfire. I want to include a spell that has backfired onto Quentin causing him to take the shape of a voodoo doll. I want to include stitches and make a share out of banged material to fit on that face. I will use blood as a scare factor; to understand the realisation of the character, and to relate to humans., viewed 22.01.16

I like this halloween makeup, the artist has used a zip to show the skin pearling off the face, I want to make the same effect with my Quentin makeup design. As he is transforming into a voodoo doll, he still looks human but has some changes to the face, I will use the same peeling effect on the bandage material, and include blood and skin tissue. By doing this I can show my skills learnt in special effects. Next I should think about the models for designs and to make new face charts explaining and experimenting with my ideas.     

Technical File sign off

Monday 21 March 2016

Face chart planning

  • Stitched up mouth to represent the voodoo doll stitchings, prosthetic/makeup
  • Skull makeup inspiration came from Papa Legba makeup in the series
  • Papa Legba spirit symbol inspiration for the symbols on the makeup of Quentin  

Face Chart 6 for Claudia

I like the concept of Claudia having her illness, she is desperately scared to go outside and be 'normal.' This has caused her to gather dirt and have infected scars and scratches, I want to incorporate this idea into my design but also keep in with the makeup guidelines of the Coven series. I have enjoyed designing a look based on AHS as the witches are natural and made to look pretty, but I can also add a horror factor like scars or blood.

Face Chart 5 for Claudia

In this face chart Claudia is made to look sad, she is showing all the hurt she has for her life, illness and forbidden love. Her scratches are more prominent and show the lines of her fingernails, they are controlled. For the base of the makeup I have kept it simple and pretty, there is no real definition made on the face, but a contour around the eyes and cheek bones to reflect her tiredness. I will add a subtle pink colour to the lip, but the real concentration is on the scars and the blending of the eye makeup. She is made to appear sad, lost and a bit crazy by crying blood, I can use Kryolan eye blood drops for this.

Claudia Hair charts


Hair Chart 1

Wavy and free hair, inspired by Misty Day; the hair will reflect the personality of Claudia and I will add fullers earth to make the design look dusty and dirty, to show the extent of her illness and her insane world.  

Hair Chart 2

Beads and feathers to reflect and relate to the voodoo community, and her love of Quentin, I like this design because it also relates to the fashion and style of Misty Day, a free spirited witch from Coven. 

Hair Chart 3

Crimped and curled, inspired by Myrtle; a head witch in Coven, I think this design shows the crazy side of Claudia, she has left her hair to grow wild and erratic 

Sunday 20 March 2016

Quentin face charts


Face Charts  

This idea came from the symbols (veve's) that represent the spirits of Voodoo. I have chosen to take a sample from the veve of Papa Legba, this is because he is a major role in the series of Coven AHS and has a strong influence on the leader of the voodoo community Marie Laveau. In my idea I thought this symbol would be able to represent the loyalty he has to voodoo and by wearing it on his skin he shows the community he is involved in. I wanted the symbol to be roughly drawn on his face, as if he had done it himself with his finger, but I will practice other variations of the design and make a stencil to ensure precision and aid continuity.   

I wanted this design to represent death, this idea comes from the makeup of Pap Legba. I have used a sponge to blend out the edges and create a smudged skull, this is to link with the makeup from the coven series in the male voodoo community. 

This idea is also based on death, but I have used a more precise design to create a skull, I want this design to look like he has drawn it on himself, but I will make a stencil to enable a look I can repeat and practice with. 

This design was also taken from the symbol of Papa Legba, I have selected a different area of the symbol and placed it twice. I wanted to use the symbol in the design, so I played around with the shapes. For this I will also make stencils to get a precise shape.  

Inspirational images-Witchcraft

Inspirational images-Witchcraft, viewed 19.03.16, digital image 

This is a famous painting that illustrates the lives of a coven of witches, they are old and ugly without clothes. The painting shows witches making potions, giving offerings and making sacrifices; this was what witches where portrayed as doing, playing with magic and working for the devil. 

 Antoine Joseph Wiertz The Young Sorceress1857, 19.03.16, digital image 

Witches are always portrayed as being ugly old women who hunch over and are frail, hooded or covered to conceal ugliness, considered a worker of the devil

www.borgenmagazine.com9.03.16, digital image 

Traditional values of being a witch: having a long nose and chin, having worts, looking generally human but displeasing, wearing black, long sharp fingernails, pointy hats 

www.rebelcircus.com9.03.16, digital image 

Modern day witch: pretty, sophisticated, appealing to the eye, wearing black fashionable dresses, different styled hats, brought to modern expectations, long wavy hair and natural looking makeup