Wednesday 16 March 2016


Witchcraft (also called witchery or spellcraft) broadly means the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised individually by designated social groups, or by persons with the necessary esoteric secret knowledge., viewed 16.03.16, digital image

World of Witchcraft 

Witchcraft is a religion practiced by those who believe in magic and can be practiced by anyone who will let their minds become open, it also embraces the love of mother nature. Witchcraft has been given a bad name due to the different practices involving spells and potions and anything to do with the belief in magical abilities or powers, even though the outcome was normally to protect against disease, or to wish good luck. Centuries ago when witchcraft became known of, it was considered an ungodly or unholy religion that went against Christianity. Due to this witches were considered evil and to have worshipped the devil, this resulted in the permission to kill witches and put women on trial for suspicion, this has resulted in many innocent women burnt at the stake from falsely accusing them of being witches.  


Witches in fairy tales fly on broomsticks, this is an urban myth that comes from the use of drugs and women who practice witchcraft openly. During the 1600 witches were more alive than ever and would tell stories of they're flying adventures, many people would believe them and after seeing a witch in 'flight mode' would scare anyone into believing them. The idea behind the flying myth came from the use of mouldy bread made from rye, once rye grows mould it terns onto ergot, which can be fatal if ingested. The witches would rub ergot mixed with a concoction including belladonna and deadly nightshade and animal fat (often mistaken for child fat) onto their broomsticks.  Ergot, if put into the body through the genitals, causes a hallucinogenic trip causing the witch to think she is flying. They would sit on their broomsticks and scare many people in doing so., viewed 16.03.16, digital image        

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