Tuesday 22 March 2016

Voodoo Doll inspiration

Voodoo Dolls 

http://blackwitchcoven.com/voodoo-dolls-spells-chants, viewed 22.03.16, digital image 

After presenting and talking about my idea direction for my Claudia and Quentin characters, I have developed my ideas for Quentin. I want to create a voodoo character for Quentin based on the idea of a voodoo doll. My inspiration came from the word bandages, I will experiment with the material itself and makeup to create an illusion, to decide on the most effective way to get the voodoo doll look. 

http://www.online-instagram.com/user/ellimacssfx, 22.03.16

I want to develop my designs further by including special effects skills I have been learning about, so to include this I will have to adapt my original idea to get an understanding of why I have included blood and gore. The voodoo chapters in Coven practice black magic, and if not controlled or used properly, it can backfire. I want to include a spell that has backfired onto Quentin causing him to take the shape of a voodoo doll. I want to include stitches and make a share out of banged material to fit on that face. I will use blood as a scare factor; to understand the realisation of the character, and to relate to humans. 

http://www.instructables.com/id/Zipper-Face-Halloween-Makeup-Tutorial, viewed 22.01.16

I like this halloween makeup, the artist has used a zip to show the skin pearling off the face, I want to make the same effect with my Quentin makeup design. As he is transforming into a voodoo doll, he still looks human but has some changes to the face, I will use the same peeling effect on the bandage material, and include blood and skin tissue. By doing this I can show my skills learnt in special effects. Next I should think about the models for designs and to make new face charts explaining and experimenting with my ideas.     

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