Wednesday 16 March 2016

American Horror Story-The Coven, viewed 16.03.16, digital image 

I have chosen to create my characters Claudia and Quentin for the TV series American Horror Story; Coven. It was one of my favourite story's throughout the series, and was one that I thought I could make a good makeup and hair design from. Coven is about a secret society of witches, struggling to survive the witch trials and live normal lives in modern times, they group together in a boarding school for girls. The most powerful witch, called the Supreme is selected and the girls fight with each other to be the best. I particularly like this series due to the myths and legends that are explained throughout; the voodoo community is also part of the series, they are enemies of the witches and practice dark black magic. Voodoo originates from the African and Caribbean culture and so is a mostly black community, the clothing is different and mixed colours, bold and free flowing. The witches wear black, smart clothes that don't stand out and hats that can hide their faces if need be. There are constant battles between the witches and the voodooists, some resulting in deaths and betrayal. 

I am also interested in the other aspects of the series that can relate to the public; the characters from the series are based on real people from history and it also focuses on racism; a character from the past comes back, buried alive and cursed to stay alive forever. Delphine Lalaurie, who was a famous slave Queen from the past, based on the real character of Madam Lalaurie. She would murder and torture her household slaves and was considered a serial killer of her time. Brought back to the future where there is no segregation, she shows her sadness and regret of all the hurt she caused in the past. In the end of the series witches become open and seen by the public and more and more women join the boarding school with the gift.         

Meet Papa Legba 

Meet Madam Delphine Lalaurie

Meet the witches 

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