Sunday 20 March 2016

Inspirational images-Witchcraft

Inspirational images-Witchcraft, viewed 19.03.16, digital image 

This is a famous painting that illustrates the lives of a coven of witches, they are old and ugly without clothes. The painting shows witches making potions, giving offerings and making sacrifices; this was what witches where portrayed as doing, playing with magic and working for the devil. 

 Antoine Joseph Wiertz The Young Sorceress1857, 19.03.16, digital image 

Witches are always portrayed as being ugly old women who hunch over and are frail, hooded or covered to conceal ugliness, considered a worker of the devil

www.borgenmagazine.com9.03.16, digital image 

Traditional values of being a witch: having a long nose and chin, having worts, looking generally human but displeasing, wearing black, long sharp fingernails, pointy hats 

www.rebelcircus.com9.03.16, digital image 

Modern day witch: pretty, sophisticated, appealing to the eye, wearing black fashionable dresses, different styled hats, brought to modern expectations, long wavy hair and natural looking makeup  

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