Tuesday 1 March 2016

Final face 7 and hair chart designs

My Final face and hair charts

My Final Hair Chart:

I have used a hairstyle that I think represents the character of Dorian gray and keeps with the time frame in the Victorian era. This design has a middle parting that is obvious; this is to enable the person the wear a top hat without the hair style being too ruffled or flattened. I also want to keep the curls looking loose because the men during this time where more relaxed with their hair than the women, although they did keep some products and hairstyle  ideas. To make my design I will part the hair in the centre, and use product to keep the hair flat and smooth, I will then use heated curlers on either side of the parting, and go over the curls with curling tongs. I will use hair spray to hold the design in place and neatly smooth the back of the hair to keep it all looking neat. Although I want the design to look smooth, I want the curls to be slightly messy and free to move around. 

My Final Face Chart 

For my final face chart idea I have created a look that represents the feel of Dorian Gray's painting; the wrinkled skin and red eyes show his ageing process and the tiredness of his soul. I have created a simple look that I feel I will be able to repeat for continuity.  

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