Thursday 17 March 2016

The Coven Hairstyles

The Coven Hairstyles 

Zoe Benson 17.03.16, digital image 

Zoe Benson is one of the man characters of Coven, her hair is consistent throughout the program and it straight and smooth, I can get this effect using straighteners and product to keep the hair smooth and sleek. 

Misty Day 17.03.16, digital image 

Misty Day is a free spirited witch from Coven, her hair reflects her personalty and is based on Bohemian Curls, I can get this effect I can use curling tongs or heated rollers, I can then use product to loosen the curls and enable them to fall freely around the face, I like this style of hair and it suits the personality of the character, I also want to create a look that reflects the personalty of my characters; Claudia and Quentin.  

Marie Laveau 17.03.16, digital image 

Marie Laveau is the main Voodoo character, she has her hair traditionally styles in havana twists, this can be made with curly hair that will hold the shape. Part the hair in small sections and separate and section into two strands, twist the strands around each other and hold using a small hairband. I admire this look and it is a traditional look for the black voodoo community. As my voodoo character will be male, I will look at male hairstyles for this culture. 

Myrtle Snow, viewed 17.03.16, digital image 

Myrtle Snow has a very distinguished look, this can be made using a crimping iron and a pin tail comb to backcomb. I think this look also expresses the personality and power of Myrtle, she is eccentric and a bit weird, just like her hair.   

Pap Legba, viewed 17.03.16, digital image 

Papa Legba's hair is classic dreads, this suits the character because it is a native hairstyle for him, and adds an edge that increases the audiences interest. This hairstyle would take too long for the assessment, I will have to practice and research a way of creating a male hairstyle that gives the same traditional effect. 

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