Saturday 19 March 2016

Creating a look inspired by American Horror Story

Creating a look inspired by American Horror Story, viewed 19.03.16, Digital image 

What I used: 
  • Heated rollers 
  • doll head 
  • pin tail comb
  • hair grips 
  • clips to hold the rollers in pace 
  • hairspray 
  • brushes
This look was inspired by that hair style of the maid character from American Horror Story; I didn't find it hard to place the rollers in the hair even with little experience using them. I also enjoyed creating this hairstyle because I was able to change the original look, and use my own interpretation to style the hair. Next time using the heated rollers I will ensure the placement of the brickwork style is neater and each roller has the same amount of hair. I will also check the direction of the rollers to ensure the curl is going i the right way. I was happy with the finished result of the hair and this technique will help me with research and practice ideas for my Claudia character. I will use research to inspire me to recreate a hairstyle from coven and adding my own ideas.   

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