Sunday 28 February 2016

Painted face, face chart 8

Painted face idea 

  • obvious brush strokes
  • lots of colour and shades, tonal range 
  • use dark brown to shape the face and make shadow 
  • mixture of colours but up to make a painting stye design, viewed 10.02.16, digital image

I admire the way the artist has used dark and light colours to enhance the models' cheek bone, and contoured the nose, although it is an obvious way of doing it, the shadow and light effect is effective., viewed 10.02.16, digital image

I chose to look at this image because there is a good use of colour; the contrast from lighter pink shades and black makes a striking design, especially under the chin and around the back of her neck.

This face chart below shows my idea for creating a more in-depth look, making the brush strokes of each colour obvious, I have used latex to created an aged look and added colour over the top. Although this look is something I wanted to do, I think for continuity this look might prove to be too difficult, I will practice this design to fit in the time frame and the quality of the assessment.  

Making my design look realistic

My original idea for creating my Dorian Gray look was to concentrate on making the design look like his painting itself. I wanted to use a mixture of colour on the face and neck, with large easy to see brush strokes, but as my design process developed, I have changed my ideas. I will used a natural base with brush strokes, and use a mix of foundation tones to bring out and darkened eyes or thinning of the face, as I want the continuity of this assessment to succeed. I will continue to practice this design in the following days to get the time and the continuity right.    

Friday 26 February 2016

Painted makeup

Painted Makeup 

One of my original ideas for my design was to use paintbrushes and thick makeup to make my final look like a painting. I wanted to use makeup like paint to create my design of Dorian Gray's painting, this was because I love art and makeup combined and I thought it would make my design stand out from the rest. 

I really admire these images below; they show the ideas that I had to create a design based on a painting. But to make my design more realistic and simple to fit with the continuity part of the assessment, I have decided to do a very subtle design that show a slight brush stroke on the face so that I feel confident to complete the design twice.  

Saved from, viewed 22.02.16, digital image

 Saved from, viewed 22.02.16, digital image

Saved from, viewed 22.02,16, digital image   

Using eye blood from Kryolan

Using eye blood from Kryolan 

Eyes are an important factor when creating a monster, I believe the eyes give away a lot about a person, you can normally tell someones aged by looking at their eyes. Bevies of this I wanted to make the eyes part of my design, I bought Kryolan eye blood; a thick gel like substance that has a convenient dripper tip. After watching youtube tutorials on the easiest way to insert the eye drops, I tried it on myself. I found it uncomfortable at first because the product is quite thick, I also found that it wanted to run down my face and spill onto my outer eye. I originally wanted just a red eye, to make the design look evil, but when the eye blood is in the eye it thins and wants to run. I will practice again inserting the eye drops into someone else's eyes to practice the technique so I am confident when it coms to the assessment. I liked the first practice i did, the eye blood stayed in my eye as I only inserted one drop, it gathered at the bottom of my eye and looked quite effective, I will practice this again to get the perfect technique. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

List of products for my final assessment

List of Products for my final assessment 

  1. Makeup brushes-small to large including sponges and mascara wands  
  2. hair brushes and combs 
  3. dry shampoo 
  4. aqua colour 
  5. super colour 
  6. foundation palette 
  7. white base 
  8. cleanser, toner and moisturiser 
  9. matte primer 
  10. tooth enamel, nicotine and dark brown
  11. top hat for taking pictures  
  12. frills and bow for taking pictures
  13. latex
  14. hair gel and hair spray
  15. curling tongs 
  16. grips and clips  

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Dirt and rotten teeth

Dirt and rotten teeth

What I used and extra products:

  • Kryolan tooth enamel-nicotine and black
  • surgical spirit-for the removal 
  • fullers earth-dusk like natural substance, is not common to be allergenic 
  • Kryolan coloured hairspray-dirty grey black and brown 
  • brill cream-to make the hair appear greasy 
  • tear stick-like a menthol stick, rub under the eye and it will water 
  • latex-for winked eye
  • makeup brushes 
  • metal and plastic spatulas   

Health and safety:

  • ensure the clients eyes are closed whist applying ant wet or powdered product around the eye, example; fullers earth and latex 
  • moisturise the skin before hand to prevent any unease or redness on the skin 
  • carry out an assessment on whether there are any contraindications apparent and find out what they are, make notes
  • to remove tooth enamel product, use a baby bud and surgical spirit
  • When applying products to the hands and arms; ensure the knuckles and joints are bent to ensure a smooth and realistic look 
  • dry the tooth with a baby bud before application, keep the mouth open throughout the process until dry 
  • once fullers earth is dry it can become flaky and drop off-may be hard to recreate for continuity  
During this practical I effectively made up Toby; I used the techniques learnt and then used some of the time on practicing my own design for Dorian Gray; I added latex to the look and practiced this together to test whether I want more techniques aded to my design plan. I already have my design planned out, although I haven't had the chance to practice on my model, I have been using the look to practice on Toby to get an idea of what the skin texture is and what is it like working with facial hair. 

Some of the images below show the development of the look, and each technique; I used the tooth enamel at first which I thought looked good and I am thinking of using this in my dealing to add to the effect. I also liked using the fullers earth in dusk form; sprinkling this on the hair made the character look dusty and dirty. I also mixed fullers earth with water to create a paste, I then used my fingers to scape it on the cheeks, I then used colour hairspray on the side of the face to darken the paste. I added super colour to the eye brows, around the eyes, nose, dotted around the face and through strands of the hair. I practiced putting latex on the side of Tobys eyes, to get an aged effect, I will have to do this first next time, as the pigment is hard to changes once placed.   

Sunday 21 February 2016

Special effects makeup DVD

Kevin Grin - editor and Cinematographer 

Greg Nicotero - MUA and co founder of KNB EFX Group - talks about going beyond the real world and opening up the imagination of anyone who is viewing or creating special effects makeup looks, creating monsters and creatures. In an interview with Grin, he explains that the use of a mask has gone back centuries on history and the mysteries that come with wearing one. People know there is a human under than mask but they may not know who it is and that can be scary. 

Makeup Special effects gives a new challenge for every film and includes: 
out of the kit makeup 
prosthetics - creating monsters or creatures, making someone old or fat 
fake bodies 
fake animals 

Howard Berger - MUA and co founder of KNB EFX Group 
Richard Talon was invloed in the making of the special effects masks and costumes for Narnia, during this production there were over 100 people working on each selection of creatures, these included waring creatures such as centaurs. 

Bodies and Bots:
Mike Deak - MUA for transformers and the island. 
For the film the island, this involved having developing bodies growing in sacks of water. The makeup artists had to create human looking bodes; some without skin or bones and incarcerate them in large bags filled with water. 
Transformers: The creatures in this film were made using a mixture of computer designed puppets, and special effects puppets. The designers would make mechanical puppets that could move and a puppeteer would be out of the camera controlling it by hand or by remote control. But most of the robots were created using CGI.

CGI or not CGI:
The Mist - Had a strong ending and was a film that heavily used CGI. There were creatures in the movie that had the help of green screen hands but most was CGI. Although the monsters weren't physical, the makeup artists built the creatures to understand the way they would move but weren't used because CGI looked more realistic. 
Bob Bottin - MUA The Howling, The Thing - states that CGI is sometimes better to use because it can look more realistic but he will always choose makeup due to the physical presence and the solidity of the designs compared. 
Another film that has used a lot of CGI is Sin City, this was used to create a comic book effect, they characters look more like drawings in black and white with small hurts of red. 

On the Shoulders of Giants:
The phantom of the Opera - For this production the makeup was very intense and the actor was put through a lot; the artists used metal on the face to pull the actors eyes down, but this makeup look has become very iconic for its quality and the products used at the time.   
Frankenstein - The makeup for this production was created everyday for the film, as prosthetics and silicone wasn't available at the time. The artist used collodion and cotton to crate a larger head for Frankenstein, the artist was eventually fired for taking so long on the makeup.       

Continuity and its importance

Continuity and its importance 

Continuity is a huge part of the TV and film industry; it effects the quality of a show because the continuity is what makes it believable. Although sometimes it isn't very noticeable, it should always be checked by each individual department. For a makeup artist the continuity of TV and film is very important, this is so the production is a believable story.  

There can be many issues with continuity:
  • Crew members may be working on another production, this means their availability may be lacking and scenes will be shot at different times of the production 
  • new people can be hired to continue a shot 
  • a new makeup artist may be hired
  • essential for a makeup artist to make notes and take pictures throughout the production 
  • actors must be dressed the same; outfits may have been hired and sent back 
  • blood, scars, cuts, grazes, props, all makeup must be in the same place either on the body or in the production 
  • hair pieces must be the same, 
  • actors may have cut their hair or shaved, hair must be used to make each shot the same and the hair the same in length and colour 
  • with makeup the same products must be used to make each shot the same
  • all changes to appearance should be logged with a scene number, day number and film sequence, 21.02.16, digital image, 21.02.16, digital image, 21.02.16, digital image

Character design and analysis

Character design and analysis 

The character I have chosen to focus on for this project is the painting of Dorian Gray. I want to focus on the portrait rather than Dorian Gray himself, because I will be able to design a monstrous figure of evil made from the soul of Dorian, and not the outside beauty. After reading the book by Oscar Wilde, I have taken notes of the descriptions of the portrait so I can easily create a creature that illustrates the ideas of Oscar Wilde, with my design process and original interpretation. 

Words taken from Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde:
  • Hideous corruption of the soul  
  • scarlet lips 
  • cheeks become hollow and flaccid 
  • yellow toned crows feet would creep around the fading eyes 
  • hair would lose brightness 
  • mouth would gape or droop 
  • mouth of an old man 
  • wrinkled throat 
  • blue veined hands 
  • twisted body 
  • crinkled, dead eyes   
In the book Dorian Gray's painting is frequently described as; degrading, having an evil smile, rotten teeth, skin fading in colour and growing old, 'the vicious cruelty that marred the fine lines of the mouth' (page 101, chapter VIII, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde) this quote describes the cruelty behind the smiling portrait, the evil inside the painting is started to shows through. Even the slightest of a smile appearing on the face, with a deeper evil meaning coming through shows just how evil the painting truly is; it likes the sinning that Dorian is doing. The descriptions of the painting of Dorian Gray gave me the impression of death, or near death, like a zombie. An almost dead being that is pure evil and looks old and wasted, as if the creature had been alive for years and is feeling the effects of an old degrading man. 'week by week, day by day, the creature was growing old' (page118, chapter VIII, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde) this quote helped me to understand the effects that sinning did on the painting, it would grow old and diminish.   

During my design process, I have created a number of face charts, made from images and ideas that bring my concept to life. The face charts have involved different shades of colour to make the skin look uneven and dry, I have also used the painting as inspiration and have tried to create face charts that look similar to the strokes of paint. I have tried to use illustrations to describe my ideas for ageing the skin; I have learnt how to use latex around the eyes to create a tried and older look; I want to use this more heavily around the eyes and mouth in my design to bring out the ageing process described in the book. I want my character to look like the last image of the portrait of Dorian as I feel this is when the degrading was fully at its worse. To recreate this for TV, I will bring to life each description to get the full effect on the audience, I want this character to give off the same emotions the book gave to me, but even more so, I though the descriptions of the creature where gross and reminded me of a dying old man, I want to be able to portray this well using mild special effects and makeup.       

As the character of Dorian Gray was brought up in a wealthy family, he was spoiled and given and told whatever made him happy. This showed in his adult life, which made him susceptible and naive to the traits and influences of Harry, another well off nobleman who became his friend. Dorian was always cocky, especially as a younger man; when he was told over and over how handsome and lovely looking he was. He spent his time thinking of the future and what he would look like when his beauty diminished, this and his encouraging friends made him lock his soul in his painting. As he grew older and the painting started to take the effects, knowing he would look young and beautiful forever made him confident and he would play on peoples emotions. He would seduce women just because he could, and he even knew how his friend Basil felt about him, transfixed on his beauty. He became uncaring and selfish; indulging on his desires and not thinking of anyone else or the effects later in life. I want to include this I'm my design, by concentrating on the evil side of Dorian, the 'not so charming' side of him and ignoring the beautiful outside view that he loved so much. 

To really bring the character to life in TV, I will concentrate on all the descriptions of Dorian Gray's painting throughout the book, this will help me to understand what the author wanted the character to look like. I also think that reading the book makes the reader get a feel for the character and interpret the look in their own way, for this I would like to make Dorian as the painting and keep the character looking like the painting. This means using makeup brushes and paint brushes to create a surface on the skin using makeup that looks like paint, I want to keep the look quite messy, to ensure the strokes of makeup stay looking like strokes and aren't blended in too much. I will also use dark grey colours around the eyes and underneath the cheek bones to thin the face and make the model look old.       

Saturday 20 February 2016

Monster Mash

Monster Mash 

  • disturbed 
  • deformed
  • nor normal or safe 
  • threatening 
  • disturbing 

Frankenstien - Mary Shelley 

  • The progression of science 
  • the dangers of science 
  • he is a monsters' creation, only science 
  • another example; Edward scissor hands viewed 20.02.16, viewed 20.02.16


  • Living dead 
  • (walking dead)
  • originated from voodoo - Baron Samedi - a spirit that can be summoned by voodoo
  • The shadow man - Master of the dead 
  • The walking dead tv program - makeup
  • Zombie concept; as we grow old we turn into monsters, old age, wrinkles, illness weak  
Photos below taken myself from 2016 calendar, the walking dead 


  • there are different types 
  • spirits of the dead 
  • remain here on earth because they don't want to let go of something, attached to the life they were
  • fear of death 
  • The woman in black, viewed 20.02.16


  • full moon
  • hairy/massive dog
  • hybrid/human/werewolf 
  • separation from body and mind 
  • 'couvaison dualism' 
  • alien 
  • threatening 
  • negative o the society 
  • unconscious impulses 
  • repressed 
  • battle between conscious and unconscious mind, viewed 20.02.16


Nosferatu 1922 silent horror 
  • rat teeth 
  • creature 
  • long claws 
  • wide eyed
  • bold
  • sexy - romanticised 
  • more human like 
  • more powerful 
  • people thought they would travel to London to infect everyone 
  • dap fears 
  • greedy 
  • hunger 
  • love story - she slowly dying, he can live on forever  
  • blood sucking beasts 
  • behind the idea of a vampire - the fears at the time in the media and in films
  • aids was a fear at the time 
  • sexual desire and lust for blood 
  • true blood, 
  • twilight (sparkle in the sun)
  • virus 
  • extinction of humans 
  • sunlight kills them 
  • burn
  • fear of ageing 
  • vampires stay young forever 
  • we have plastic surgery and beauty products,  viewed 20.02.2016

This image is taken from the tight films showing the family of vampires , this is what the modern day image of a vampire is., viewed 20.02.2016

This image was taken from the film Dracula, this is the natural form he takes but he can transform into a better looking man. The image of a vampire was humanlike but ugly with rough skin and big  white hair and blood shot eyes., viewed 20.02.2016

This image is from Nosferatu, one of the first versions of a vampire on tele, the image back then was scarier, he has long claws, big eyes and ears, massive teeth, exaggerated eye brows and a bold head, this is the least human like version of a vampire. 

Friday 19 February 2016

face chart 3

Face chart 2

Face chart 1

Special makeup effects, Todd Debreceni, second edition

Special makeup effects, Todd Debreceni, Second edition 


Ageing the hair

Ageing the hair 

To age the hair for TV and film there are a number of ways to create different types of aged hair; using aqua colour mixed with water and spread through the hair in sections using a mascara wand, using specific special effects makeup that specialises in the hair, coloured hair sprays and dry shampoo. In this image above I used dry shampoo and sprayed it closely to the roots of the hair; this created a subtle shade of grey that covered sections of the roots and created a streaky effect. I would like to practice a range of products to age the hair, to find out what technique woks best and has the most effective finish. Below is an example of greying hair on a man., viewed 19/02/16 digital image