Saturday 6 February 2016

Evil and what makes it

Evil and what makes it 

profoundly immoral and wicked.
"his evil deeds"
Synonyms: wine, bad, wrong, immoral. sinful, sinister, vile, unholy, vicious, malicious, black-hearted, nefarious, dishonourable, diabolic, demonic, dark, corrupt, depraved,, viewed 02.02.16, (digital image), viewd 02.02.16, (digital image)

I have chosen to look at the joker from batman, as I think this character was played really well, I think with the help of special effects makeup, an actor/actress can engage with the character and become more confident to become the evil they are acting. In this case, Heath Ledger played the character of the joker well enough to make the viewers feel the evil and the craziness within. 

I want to incorporate an evil smile into my final design, this could be created by adding moulding wax to the model around the mouth to elongate it, this effect is usually one that leaves an effect. An elongated smile looks creepy to the moral human eye because someone that looks less human or alien in any way, proves to be something that terrifies people. This can be made with an over happy evil look, in the novel Dorian Gray, his portrait is described as having a smile that appears on the face, it was noticeable and looked evil, as if the painting had just undergone and evil task and is happy with the outcome, a smirk almost. I would like to be able to recreate this evil smirk/smile in my final design because I think that will add to the evil look and make it more sinister overall.    

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