Tuesday 16 February 2016

sweat, parlour, tears and fever research

sweat, parlour, tears and fever research 



This image shows the colouration of the skin when a fever has occurred, the skin is very red with hints of pink, and the skin looks slightly blotchy; this effect can be made using super colour palette and a stipple brush or sponge to dab on the colour, this gives the effect of burst blood vessels under the skin.  


This image shows a good example of a sweaty face, I can get this effect by using glycerine and a stipple sponge, this can be applied to the skin after makeup application. 


This is a good example of redness in the skin from over heating or just being hot, this effect can be made with makeup by using a stipple sponge to get the blood vessels effectively. I want to use this technique in my final assessment so I will take note of whee the colouration s on the face and the texture of it. 


Tears can be made in makeup by using solution eye drops in and around the eye, this is used because it is a thicker texture and will slide down the face slower than water aloe. Glycerin can be used also; but gently placed around the eye to get the tear effect. Remember that the tear falls from the corner of the eye and not the outer edge, this will help to make the teas look realistic. 

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