Saturday 20 February 2016

Monster Mash

Monster Mash 

  • disturbed 
  • deformed
  • nor normal or safe 
  • threatening 
  • disturbing 

Frankenstien - Mary Shelley 

  • The progression of science 
  • the dangers of science 
  • he is a monsters' creation, only science 
  • another example; Edward scissor hands viewed 20.02.16, viewed 20.02.16


  • Living dead 
  • (walking dead)
  • originated from voodoo - Baron Samedi - a spirit that can be summoned by voodoo
  • The shadow man - Master of the dead 
  • The walking dead tv program - makeup
  • Zombie concept; as we grow old we turn into monsters, old age, wrinkles, illness weak  
Photos below taken myself from 2016 calendar, the walking dead 


  • there are different types 
  • spirits of the dead 
  • remain here on earth because they don't want to let go of something, attached to the life they were
  • fear of death 
  • The woman in black, viewed 20.02.16


  • full moon
  • hairy/massive dog
  • hybrid/human/werewolf 
  • separation from body and mind 
  • 'couvaison dualism' 
  • alien 
  • threatening 
  • negative o the society 
  • unconscious impulses 
  • repressed 
  • battle between conscious and unconscious mind, viewed 20.02.16


Nosferatu 1922 silent horror 
  • rat teeth 
  • creature 
  • long claws 
  • wide eyed
  • bold
  • sexy - romanticised 
  • more human like 
  • more powerful 
  • people thought they would travel to London to infect everyone 
  • dap fears 
  • greedy 
  • hunger 
  • love story - she slowly dying, he can live on forever  
  • blood sucking beasts 
  • behind the idea of a vampire - the fears at the time in the media and in films
  • aids was a fear at the time 
  • sexual desire and lust for blood 
  • true blood, 
  • twilight (sparkle in the sun)
  • virus 
  • extinction of humans 
  • sunlight kills them 
  • burn
  • fear of ageing 
  • vampires stay young forever 
  • we have plastic surgery and beauty products,  viewed 20.02.2016

This image is taken from the tight films showing the family of vampires , this is what the modern day image of a vampire is., viewed 20.02.2016

This image was taken from the film Dracula, this is the natural form he takes but he can transform into a better looking man. The image of a vampire was humanlike but ugly with rough skin and big  white hair and blood shot eyes., viewed 20.02.2016

This image is from Nosferatu, one of the first versions of a vampire on tele, the image back then was scarier, he has long claws, big eyes and ears, massive teeth, exaggerated eye brows and a bold head, this is the least human like version of a vampire. 

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