Thursday 11 February 2016

Late Victorian Hairstyles

Late Victorian Hairstyles 

The image below shows one of many examples in my research that shows the detail of a late Victorian hairstyle. The sides are pulled back and many curls adorn the top of her head, this may have been a hair piece as they were popular during this era. Many of the hairstyles were piled high on the head and fall neatly into small curls, ringlets or plaits, the design I created on my Kate doll was inspired by the looks from the Victorians., viewed 11.02.16, digital image

To begin the design I parted the hair in the middle, I then used medium sized heated curlers  on the front section, one either side of the parting, another facing in the same direction and the two more either side, vertical. I then made two small ponytails in the middle section of the hair, and left a small amount at the bottom and around he sides of the head. Once all the hair was curled, using curling tongs, I then used curvy grips hold the hair into a styled position. I pulled the hair back, going in the shape of the jaw line, to created a more flattering appearance, the front of the hair is also pulled back, but less tight to show the middle parting. 

I am pleased with the outcome of this design, I think the parting and the curls are neat, the curls are clear and the shape was stable. I have also tried to make the design symmetrical on both sides; I was able to do this by looking in the mirror at what I was doing, and ensuring the curls whee evenly spread, this made it easier to make both sides the same because there was the same amount of hair to style. I enjoyed doing this look, and although I am using a male model I would like to be able to use someone with medium length hair, tis is so I can use tongs or curlers to style sections of the hair on top of the head, and slicked back.  

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