Tuesday 16 February 2016

Illnesses during the Victorian times

Illnesses during the Victorian times 


This is an illustration of a lady suffering from cholera, before and after, it was not known what the case of this disease as until microbiology was invented and acknowledged. So for years during this time, people wee getting sick and to knowing why, some scientists believed it was the smell of the sewers that was making people sick but wasn't taken seriously until the disease got worse.   


This was a disease of ignorance; unlike times before this era, people were washing, but not enough to keep disease form spreading. Black fingernails, not washing hands before eating, preparing food, after going to the toilet are all imports times to stay clean as this will be a prevention of spending Typhoid. The symptoms of this include a rash, muscle aches and pains, headache fever and joint pain, this would be a good issue to imitate for my Victorian era theme makeup.  


Small pox was a very contagious disease again spread from unclean hands or the properties of preparing food, this has caused blindness and is at its worse when the face swells up like in this image, large spots appear on the skin and can ooze blood an puss.  

Scarlet fever 

This example of scarlet fever shows a man with very bright red skin,that has broken in paces especially around the nose. 

Measles, mumps and rubella 



I want to use this disease in my assessment and makeup look, I like the idea of using red eye drops to make the eyes red with evil and disease. Measles is another type of rash that some from dirt and unclean spreading of diseases, mumps is somehow that an come with it, but it involves the swelling of the face. 

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