Wednesday 10 February 2016

Burns research

Burns research, viewed 10.02.16

First degree burn:
This burn was made from too much exposure to the sun, it is a common burn to get during the summer. The colouring of this burn looks fresh, so there are a lot of bright reds and pinks, this colour may be hard to achieve, but can be done using a stipple sponge; using this will result in a good imitation of a real burn, as the stipple effect gets the right texture. From this picture, the skin looks slightly blotchy and a mix of colours, rather then a block colour. 

Second degree burn:, viewed 10.02.16, digital image  

This type of burn is more serious than a first degree burn, as it goes deeper than one layer of skin. This means the skin will blister and will appear wet, they can also ooze and and swell up. This look in makeup can be created using latex or gelatine as there is obviously skin that has peeled off. The wet look can be made after the colour has been applied, using vaseline. Th colour of this is less bright, the pink tones are toned down, but there is a wet finish. 

Third degree burn:, viewed 10.02.16, digital image 

This burn looks so disgusting, the skin has peeled away to show the inside of this persons hand, the colouring of this type of burn is much stronger and a deeper and darker shade of red. The skin has also burnt a dark colour, close to black. This look in makeup can be made using latex, as latex will allow the artist to make holes in the skin, built up wax could also make blisters and thick skin. 

Fourth degree burn:, viewed 10.02.16, digital image 

This is where burns get very serious, the skin has completely burnt off and has gone right through the wrist area to show the ionised of the arm and the bones. This is more extreme prosthetics, but the colouring is again much darker and black and even white in some areas. 

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