Thursday 18 February 2016

Practice 1 for assessment

Practice 1 for assessment 

What I used:
  • Hair rollers 
  • pin tail comb 
  • grips and clips for holding the style in place 
  • brush 
  • hairspray viewed 18/02/16 digital image

I first made this design on a hair chart; this was to illustrate my ideas better and so that I could have a record of the design to make it again. I used the hair chart to describe the design and how to create it ready for assessment. I had originally taken my idea from looking at old pictures of men during the Victorian, era to help me understand the style of hair men wore, (image shown above). I didn't want to change the style too much or make it any more elaborate than needs be because the hairstyle for men were a lot more subtle, this was so that a top hat can be worn and the hair would stay intact. I wanted to create a wave effect at the front of the hair to keep with the Victorian tradition of having the hair pulled back away from the face and going off to the sides.   

Health and safety 
  • be careful with rollers, not to burn the client 
  • take care when styling the hair not to be rough 
  • be cautious of any contraindications  

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