Tuesday 23 February 2016

Dirt and rotten teeth

Dirt and rotten teeth

What I used and extra products:

  • Kryolan tooth enamel-nicotine and black
  • surgical spirit-for the removal 
  • fullers earth-dusk like natural substance, is not common to be allergenic 
  • Kryolan coloured hairspray-dirty grey black and brown 
  • brill cream-to make the hair appear greasy 
  • tear stick-like a menthol stick, rub under the eye and it will water 
  • latex-for winked eye
  • makeup brushes 
  • metal and plastic spatulas   

Health and safety:

  • ensure the clients eyes are closed whist applying ant wet or powdered product around the eye, example; fullers earth and latex 
  • moisturise the skin before hand to prevent any unease or redness on the skin 
  • carry out an assessment on whether there are any contraindications apparent and find out what they are, make notes
  • to remove tooth enamel product, use a baby bud and surgical spirit
  • When applying products to the hands and arms; ensure the knuckles and joints are bent to ensure a smooth and realistic look 
  • dry the tooth with a baby bud before application, keep the mouth open throughout the process until dry 
  • once fullers earth is dry it can become flaky and drop off-may be hard to recreate for continuity  
During this practical I effectively made up Toby; I used the techniques learnt and then used some of the time on practicing my own design for Dorian Gray; I added latex to the look and practiced this together to test whether I want more techniques aded to my design plan. I already have my design planned out, although I haven't had the chance to practice on my model, I have been using the look to practice on Toby to get an idea of what the skin texture is and what is it like working with facial hair. 

Some of the images below show the development of the look, and each technique; I used the tooth enamel at first which I thought looked good and I am thinking of using this in my dealing to add to the effect. I also liked using the fullers earth in dusk form; sprinkling this on the hair made the character look dusty and dirty. I also mixed fullers earth with water to create a paste, I then used my fingers to scape it on the cheeks, I then used colour hairspray on the side of the face to darken the paste. I added super colour to the eye brows, around the eyes, nose, dotted around the face and through strands of the hair. I practiced putting latex on the side of Tobys eyes, to get an aged effect, I will have to do this first next time, as the pigment is hard to changes once placed.   

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