Tuesday 16 February 2016

The industrial revolution

The Industrial Revolution 


The industrial revolution was started by Samuel Slater in America, he remarried the plans to build a textile mill, and started the first mill. Many inventions where created and improved upon, like the railroads and steam boats for carrying people are cargo, the invention of the telegraph, to make communication easier and much faster. As factories are built, there are more opportunities for independence and poorer people to work, this meant that the very poor would send their children to work in the factors, some as young a seven. This was a very hard time for the people working during these times; their surroundings changed as more buildings and factories were built, due to this drastic change in lifestyle, this era was known as the great depression. Eli Whitney develops interchangeable parts to save money and time, and improves the cotton gin, extending slavery and increased the production of cotton. Due to all the new changes and factories being built, the factory production grew and lead to bigger cities.

As jobs were now more available to the poor people of this era, the concept of always staying indoors and looking pale to be for the wealthy, changed. As the poor people were inside the factories; working 12-14 hours 6 days a week it was less likely to have a tan, this is when tanning became a popular thing to do for the wealthy community.        

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