Thursday 18 February 2016

Practice 2 for hair assessment

Practice 2 for hair assessment, viewed 18/02/16, digital image 

What I used: 
  • Curling tongs 
  • large clips 
  • grips for holding weight 
  • hairspray 
  • styling gel for smoothing the hair 
  • pin tail comb 
  • brush 
This design was taken from another hair chart, I wanted to make the hair a lot more curly for this design, but also slick and smooth at the top of the head to keep with the Victorian top hat style. I wanted to make small curls that sit neatly at the sides of the head; by the ears. I also took this idea fro looking at late Victorian hairstyles.I used curling tongs to make the mall curls at the bottom of the hair, I then used a holding pray to keep them in place, next time on hair like Toby's, I will have to use some product on the hair before curling, this will enable the earls tasty in place and hold for a photo, it will, also make neater curls. 

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